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Assassination Nation (2018) HD

Director : Sam Levinson.
Writer : Sam Levinson.
Producer : Manu Gargi, Aaron L. Gilbert, David S. Goyer, Matthew J. Malek, Kevin Turen, Anita Gou.
Release : September 21, 2018
Production Company : Bron Studios, Phantom Four, Creative Wealth Media Finance.
Language : English.
Runtime : 110
Genre : Drama, Thriller.

Movie ‘Assassination Nation’ was released in September 21, 2018 in genre Drama. Sam Levinson was directed this movie and starring by Odessa Young. This movie tell story about High school senior Lily and her group of friends live in a haze of texts, posts, selfies and chats just like the rest of the world. So, when an anonymous hacker starts posting details from the private lives of everyone in their small town, the result is absolute madness leaving Lily and her friends questioning whether they’ll live through the night.

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