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The Sisters Brothers (2018) HD

Director : Jacques Audiard.
Writer : Thomas Bidegain.
Producer : John C. Reilly, Rosa Attab, Pascal Caucheteux, Michael De Luca, Alison Dickey.
Release : September 19, 2018
Country : Spain, France, Romania, United States of America.
Production Company : Why Not Productions, Mobra Films, Annapurna Pictures.
Language : English.
Runtime : 121
Genre : Drama, Western, Comedy, Adventure, Crime.

Movie ‘The Sisters Brothers’ was released in September 19, 2018 in genre Drama. Jacques Audiard was directed this movie and starring by John C. Reilly. This movie tell story about The colourfully named gold prospector Hermann Kermit Warm has being pursued across 1,000 miles of 1850s Oregon desert to San Francisco by the notorious assassins Eli and Charlie Sisters. Except Eli is having a personal crisis and beginning to doubt the longevity of his chosen career. And Hermann might have a better offer.

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